Saturday, December 31, 2016

Week # 52 {2016}

Sunday was Christmas Day.
Monday I wore these...  yes, flip flops on the 26th of December.  It was glorious!
While Payton went to spend the day with Gigi {and help make my birthday cake!} the boys and I went out to lunch.
Tuesday was my birthday!
Wednesday my mom had a birthday brunch for me with a few friends and I did not take one single picture!  Agh!  As I was leaving we snapped this one.
My mom gave me these beautiful tea cups to add to my collections!
Thursday my Uncle & Aunt had come into town, so the kids and I went down to my mom's to see/hug on them.  We went down to The Square {Downtown Columbia} to show them around there.
Friday we headed up to Nashville for the day, and I got to wear the adorable shrug my momma gave me for my birthday.  I had to snap a picture to send to her and my sisters.
Saturday night we rung in the new year with Hot Cocoa, a game of Life and a 9pm bedtime.  I know, we are raising such party animals!
Here was my #bestnine photos from Instagram for 2016.  It's interesting that the majority of my BEST pictures have to do with losing my sweet daddy.  He really was the BEST dad I could have ever hoped for.  I'm so glad I got to live by him his last 6 months of life.  And I know he's having the BEST time up in heaven! Miss you Dad!

What I Ate {December 2016}

What we ate for dinner for the month of December!

1 -  White Chicken Enchiladas - The first time I had these, I loved, not so much.  None of my family likes it. So I won't be making it again.
2 - Christmas Party
3 - Jamie's Minestrone Soup + Garlic Bread
4 - Papa Murphys + Blue Cheese and Pear Salad
5 - Beans & Rice Bowls
7 - BBQ Boneless Wings + Garden Salad
8 - Dirty Rice + Veggies & Dip
10 - Chicken Soup + Chips & Salsa from Amigo's Mexican Food
11 - Nachos
12 - Curry Chicken + Veggies
13 - J's Mac & Cheese + Illinois Salad
15 - Confetti Pasta Salad
16 - Chris' Work Christmas Party
17 - PF Changs
18 - Beef Stroganoff
19 - Breakfast Burritos
20 - BLT Pasta Salad
21 - Chris' Chili
22 - Fend for Yourself Night!
23 - Chicken Gyros
24 - Creamy Baked Ziti
25 - Burritos/Burrito Bowls
26 - Black Beans + Cilantro Lime Rice
27 - Papa Murphy's Pizza + Kale Salad
28 - Black Bean Soup
29 - Chicken Pot Pie
30 - Chuy's Tortilla Soup + {a ton of} Chips + Creamy Jalapeño Dressing
31 - Lasagna Soup

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Today was my happy birthday!  It started out with Dylan making me breakfast.  He didn't want me taking pictures so I took some on the sly over my shoulder...then I got caught.
My mom brought Payton back home {she spent the night down there} and the Schoening family came up from Chattanooga.  The girls {minus Payton} headed up to Nashville for a Trader Joe's run.
And back home my kids got to love on the littlest Schoening.
Baby Brooklyn was adorable.  Dylan LOVED holding her.  He was so sweet with her.
Dylan has a new thing he does... he grabs a phone, runs up to a person and says "shelfie" and takes a quick pic.  I asked him why shelfie instead of selfie, but he said he didn't know.  Crazy kid!  I find these gems on my camera roll now.
My momma made my cake!  Mexican Fruit very yummy.
My mom headed home...
And then we took a group photo right before the Schoenings headed out.
I missed my dad's phone call, saying "Happy Birthday Becca Boo Boo!".  I wish he could have been here...I missed him a lot today!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day 2016

Ohmigoodness...I've heard about this happening, but never thought it would actually happen in our house.
Our kids woke us up at FOUR {stinkin} THIRTY in the MORNING!  They were wide awake and ready to go... I on the other hand was not.
They checked to see if Santa and his reindeer ate their treats.
And then opened presents.
Rylan was so excited to give Dylan and Payton the gifts he picked out and wrapped for each of them.
Buddy {my dad's dog} was more into watching what Chris was doing.
Watching kids open presents is probably one of the best things.
The joy on their faces is just precious.
Love her tongue sticking out.
We paused for breakfast and to sing happy birthday to Jesus.
And then went back to presents.
I had this mug made for my momma.
And then my mom opened this amazing present.  I didn't get a great picture, but you can read about this special present {here}.  
Did you read it?  Isn't it amazing that the Creator of the universe cares about the tiny details, and gives us little blessings along the rough roads?  Such an great story!  And such a touching thing on a day that was going to be hard for us.
My momma looked so cute in her festive shirt.
The kids started in on their gifts.  Payton painted an Elsa piggy bank.
And Dylan made a tiny boombox with Ry's legos.  All 3 played with the legos for a few hours!
We all {well the adults} took naps.  Because duh!
I looked over at one point to see Rylan doing this:
carrying all his loot upstairs!
Since it was unseasonably warm,
Gigi {and Buddy} and the kids headed out for a walk/ride.
Yes, Payton is in shorts and a tank top... on Christmas Day!
It was so awesome to be able to spend Christmas with my mom again.  It's been years since we have been together on this day.  
I would describe the day as bittersweet...but definitely more sweet than bitter.  Yes, we missed my dad desperately.... he was supposed to be here {at least according to my plans!}.  We had our crying times {but we know my dad is in heaven having the best Christmas ever with his Savior.  We have hope in Jesus, so we know we will be seeing him again!}.  And God was gracious and gave us sweet times too.  We created new traditions, laughed and made new memories.
My mom headed home later that evening and we snuggled up on the couch. I sent her and my sisters this pic.
Then she said that I needed to get a picture of myself and the kids...and this is the best we got {post showers}. Ha!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas...remember to hug your loved ones and tell them you love them every chance you get!