Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week in Review {Spirit Week & the Zoo}

This little boy slays me. He's been doing this pose thing for awhile now. {hand on hip, other hand pointing while he's telling me somethin.} I'm glad I got this picture.
Oh and this hat was all his idea. He grabbed it as we were leaving the house and he put it on backwards.
Left: "Momma, I'm ready to go to the school bus!" {oh reeeaaaally?}
Right: He's still a baby boy who falls asleep in the car. So sweet.
The kids school had Spirit Week this week. This day was Super Hero Shirt day. {When did my babies get to be so big?}
Then there was Wacky Wednesday.
They both wanted to go the mustache route. But Dylan wanted to be like the Monopoly man.
Then MY favorite day of the week was Too Tired Thursday (Pajama Day).
Ry and I headed to the zoo to meet up with some "biends" {friends as Rylan calls them}
If you ask him about it, he would tell you that he saw "the monkeys and the down deep" {elephants} Click {here} to see the original video of the "down deeps".
This is the zoo in the fall. Breathtaking!
Watching the giraffes.
The zoo pooped him out!

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