Soccer practice today...
Game time tomorrow!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Summing up my day...
Yup...pretty much sums up my day. I took TWO naps - yes, again. Payton crashed next to me on my second nap. Isn't she cute?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A Wednesday
We are back into the swing of things again with Dylan being back in school. It was nice with his fall break to be able to sleep-in a bit. Speaking of sleeping, I had no one but TWO naps today! Woo hoo! Right after I got Dylan to the bus, Chris told me to lay down and he would take Payton. I slept for 40 minutes. Then when it was Payton's naptime I slept again for 30 minutes. It was wonderful!
Chris and his dad have been busy working on this:
That is the footboard for Dylan's new bed. With a baby on the way, we need to upgrade all the kids beds. Dylan with get a full, Payton will get Dylan's twin and the baby with get Payton's crib/toddler bed. When this bed is finished, I will be sure to post pictures!
Oh and here is a picture of how long Payton's hair is. I don't think I can let it grow much longer...but I don't want to loose those cute curls! (No, she hasn't ever had a haircut.)
I also did 5 loads of laundry today. Isn't that exciting? Well that is my Wednesday today. Did you do anything fun?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A while back we bought this piece from a second hand store:
Our plan was to re-do it and then sell it. We were going back and forth with what direction to go and decided that with the curvy lines of the desk that we would make it for a little girl. It would be perfect in pink and white.
We decided to keep the handles and just paint them white.
Here is the finished piece!
Guess what we did with it? Kept it for Payton! It ended up being WAY too cute to sell especially since we got the desk for $25 (and only had to buy sandpaper, paint and paintbrushes). We couldn't buy her a desk for that much.
What we did with the hutch will be coming soon!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
What I Ate...
Sunday September 18, 2011
Teriyaki Chicken
Monday September 19, 2011
Steak Tacos
Mexican Cheesy Rice (recipe from Paula Deen)
Chris and Craig (my father-in-law) got to work on this yummy dinner. They found the recipes, went to the market, and cooked it all up! It was really yummy. The marinade on the steak was a cilantro, jalapeno, onion, olive oil mix and it was tasty!
Tuesday September 20, 2011
Copy Cat Olive Garden Minestrone Soup
Corn Bread with Honey & Butter
Wednesday September 21, 2011
F.A.I.L.! We met friends for dinner at Brooklyn Joe's and I had:
Slice of Cheese Pizza
Cup of Tomato Basil Soup
Thursday September 22, 2011
Two days in a row? Sheesh, you think that since I have been doing this for awhile, that I would remember. But to my defense, I didn't REALLY eat dinner tonight. This was the day that we went to the movies. Movies + pregnancy = disaster. The popcorn is bad enough when you AREN'T pregnant, but now that I have an "excuse" [knowing full well that there IS no excuse] for eating a large popcorn all. by. myself. Ugh! I know, just typing that makes me sick. So that evening, while everyone was eating dinner, I was eating:
Ranch Dip
Small small small serving of mashed potatoes
Friday September 23, 2011
Saturday September 24, 2011
Chicken Enchilasagna
Salad with BBQ Ranch Dressing
Friday, September 23, 2011
Best Husband Ever
I have been craving a lemonade from Chick-fil-A. [Have you tried it? It is the best ever!] Anyway, today he took me and got me TWO GALLONS to have at home. Ummmmm...
Like I said - Best Husband EVER! Love you babe!
What is/was your craving when pregnant?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Hakuna Matata
Today we went and saw:
(But not in 3D.) It is one of my favorite movies. The kids really liked it too! Here is my favorite song from the movie:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
2 Months - Take 2
I had a doctors appointment today and they did an ultrasound. So here is the baby's first photo shoot!
Tiny little peanut, huh? He/she is so tiny, that we found out that I am not 9 weeks pregnant like originally thought, but I am 8 weeks [my new due date is May 2, 2012]. So here is a new picture of my baby bump at 2 Months:
I think my bump looks tinier too! LOL! Everything is good with the baby. It is amazing that though he/she is the size of a raspberry we could even see the heartbeat! And they say there is no God?!?!
Psalm 139:13
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Fall Break
Dylan is on Fall Break this week and all schedules have gone out the window! But isn't that what breaks are for?
And I know you are asking, what is Fall Break? and didn't you JUST start school? And if we were still in California, you would be right...but here they started school on AUGUST 1st! So I am kind of glad for a break. [BTW - We have fall break, thanksgiving break, TWO winter breaks, and a spring break!]
I wish I could say that we have been doing super fun things on this break, but we haven't. The weather changed and it is "cool" [I can't say COLD, my father-in-law always teases me with "It ain't cold"]. I MAY or MAY NOT have worn a ski jacket on Monday morning to watch the kids ride bikes outside. It's the wind that gets me. When it blows, my bones get cold and there is no recovering from that. Plus we changed drastically from 95 degrees to 60 within days. We didn't get time to adjust. So these dreary, drizzly days are filled with playing indoors & in the garage, watching movies, and playing outside when it is not raining.
* * * * *
Today Payton and I went to Bible Study (and no we didn't stop at Starbucks this time), ran a few errands then came home. Dylan was riding bikes with the neighbors so I made myself a cup of hot tea, [It's Earl Grey (decaf - of course) with milk and sugar - just how my mom makes it!] and sat out on the front porch rocking chairs to watch them.

Can you see him? He looks like a salamander, but I could be wrong. I tried to get a closer shot without scaring him off (but it got blurry). See his bright blue tail?
only in georgia,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Cinnamon Crumb Coffee Cake
A couple of days ago we were at the store when Chris saw a box for "Cinnamon Streusel Cake". He commented on how good it looked and I said, yeah, but don't buy the box, we can make it at home and it will taste WAY better. And I was right! I looked on-line and came across Nanna's Old World Cinnamon Crumb Coffee Cake on
Here's a picture of what was left when we were done eating it. Doesn't it look good? {With the exception for the poor quality picture. We keep it in the microwave overnight, so we don't attract bugs. I forgot to picture it earlier, and ran down stairs to snap a quick shot of it IN the microwave. I know, too lazy to pull it out!}
The only thing I did different was substituted plain lowfat yogurt for the sour cream... and I would make it that way again. Everyone loved it and we will be fighting for who gets it for breakfast in the morning! {Hummm maybe I should set my alarm clock...} Yum!!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What I Ate...
Monday September 12, 2011
Shredded BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Green Salad with Feta
It's not's DiGiorno. This is the only frozen pizza we buy. It is really tasty!
Friday September 16, 2011
Mashed potatoes
Saturday September 17, 2011
Everything bagel with cream cheese
Hard boiled Egg
Gala Apple
Tuesday September 13, 2011

Shredded BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Green Salad with Feta
I mixed things up a bit... I switched to sparkling water instead of regular! Have you tried Pellegrino? L.O.V.E. it!
Wednesday September 14, 2011
Orange Chicken
Fried Rice
Chris found this YUMMY recipe from Rachael Ray for Fried Rice and made it for dinner. I am not a huge fried rice fan but this was fantastic!
Thursday September 15, 2011
It's not's DiGiorno. This is the only frozen pizza we buy. It is really tasty!
Friday September 16, 2011

Mashed potatoes
Exciting, I know. I am starting to get funky with food cravings and what actually sounds good to eat.
Saturday September 17, 2011
Ruby Tuesday Sliders - 1 hamburger and 1 a buffalo chicken
French fries
Salad Bar
French fries
Salad Bar
So I decided to change things up a bit... This was actually my lunch today, which means that I snacked at dinnertime. Nothing exciting by way of pictures so I am going to post my "big meal" for the day. Most of the time that will be dinner, but every once in awhile it might be lunch. Make sense? Good.
Did you eat anything yummy this week?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I Never Thought
I never would have thought that I would see Dylan reading a book just because he wants to.

Thank you Mary Pope Osborne and the Magic Tree House Series!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Moment Before
Have you ever had a time when you wish you could go back to the moment before and change an outcome??? Boy did I have that today...
Payton and I left for our first day at Bible Study this morning. Since we haven't driven that route in the a.m. I thought I would leave a little early just in case there was traffic. We got there with time to spare and since I have been craving a Vanilla Latte (can I blame it on pregnancy?), we stopped by Starbucks. I haven't had Starbucks in months (actually I think it was our drive moving out here that I had it last)!
Payton wanted a "Kiddie Coffee" (aka kids hot cocoa), so I decided to indulge her a little. We got to the car, buckled her in, took a picture of her with her Kiddie Coffee. I took the hot cocoa from her and stuck it in the cup holder and told her not to touch it, that I would give it to her when we got to church (a block away).
I got into the drivers seat, looked at my receipt and saw that they charged me too much for her kids hot cocoa {grrr}, but I was not about to unbuckle her and go back in. Lesson learned, right? So I start the car and realize that Chris called me. I called him back and while I was pulling out of the parking lot/driveway, still on the phone with Chris, I hear "Oh, I dropped it."
WWWHHHAAATTTT??? What did she drop? She had nothing in her hands, right? WRONG! She had dropped her kiddie coffee all over the floor of the car. Aaaggghhhh!!!! If only I had put it up in MY cup holder.
Now I have a way overpriced hot chocolate smell in the car. Oh the joys of being a mom. I guess I won't make THAT mistake again!
By the way - Bible Study was SO good (can't wait to dive into my homework and for next week!). I completely forgot about the whole incident!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Payton had her first gymnastics class today...

And she LOVED it! Her teacher name is "Miss Rebecca". There were 5 girls total in the class and there was even another Payton! She can't wait to go back!
(Sorry for the poor quality pictures. I had to take them through the small window in the gymnasium door. We get to be in there the last class of each month so they can "show off" what they are learning. I am sure I will get better pictures on that day.)
* * * * *
Speaking of the gymnasium door. Look at the sign that is posted on that door:
"AbOsolutely"???? Really? It was even laminated! And the funny thing is - we were standing there for at least 30 minutes before Sasha (my mother-in-law) pointed it out. Maybe we HAVE been in Georgia too long!
only in georgia
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Treasure Hunt
My hubby created the most amazing treasure hunt for Dylan's birthday. He started out writing some very clever clues:
Here's one of them - "Congrats you found the second clue, but don't get excited there is more to do. Leave the house and head for the street, to the place where they meet. Hang a left and walk a bit. Many gifts you're trying to get. Notice a fence on your left. Take a peek and see what you get!"
Then he made a map from where he would find his last clue, leading him to where X Marks the Spot!
He cut the map out into pieces and glued one clue to the back of each piece.He hid the clues on the garbage bin,
on the fence,
in a construction area across the street,
on the base of a tree,
on the mailbox,
and on the base of the bird feeder.
The last clue had a small present attached.
Then he put all his clues together to reveal his map.
Now he knew where he was going!
On the way he found more presents.
They somehow "appeared" even in places he had already gone!
He made it to X Marks the Spot, with a big package waiting for him!
Dylan had a BLAST going through the clues and map to find his "treasure". Thank you Chris for putting together such a great time!
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