Friday, September 19, 2014

Week in Review {Regular Life Edition}

Man, the weeks are just flying by. I'm gonna blink and it's going to be Christmas!
This little man and his sleeping habits . . . they're horrible and adorable all at the same time.
Underware man found a great place to keep his phone.
All day long I heard "hi momma, how are you doing today?" And then he would tell me to get my phone and talk to him. I LOVED it.
Monday nights Dylan has football practice but Payton doesn't have cheer. She loves to go anyway because she gets to play with all her friends.
Ha! Her princess wand on her face. Wish I had video of her falling asleep like this.
Dylan did his hair for school all by himself. He did a great job! My baby boy is growing up! {tear}
I froze some (okay a lot) of grapes for Chris. He's enjoyed having these to munch on for dessert. Oh and the rest of the family sure likes them too. I literally have bought 3 bags this week!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Rylan still plays with his hair. Every time he got his binky he would automatically reach up and start playing with it. I'm glad to see that even though he doesn't have his binky as much (only at nap/bedtime), he still does his hair thing. Sweet boy.
We had a beautiful and huge sunset. This pic doesn't do it justice.
Baby boy with his big blues. I melt.
Waiting for the school bus to get home on a absolutely BEAUTIFUL day. It wasn't hot, it wasn't cold. I was in jeans and a tee and just as the sun was getting a little bit warm a slight breeze blew. It was perfect.
Ry has an interesting way he likes to count
to ten. #crazyboy
Dylan had a friend over to hang out. They are in that "little boy/big boy stage". It was so cute to watch. 
Payton had a visitor in the middle of the night. These moments are so sweet.

My beautiful girl (with a sassy pose!).
Payton and I secretly changed Dylan's wallpaper on his iPad Mini a while ago. And it's still on there. LOL! Guess he likes it.
This boy tried my patience this week.  Not only did we have the peeing in the bucket debacle, there was also the time I had to clean up yellow paint that he spilled all over the carpet and a rug, but then I walked into the kitchen to find this. {deep breath in and count to ten}
Every day this week, Ry and I went to the kids school at lunch time to give Payton her medicine for her pink eye (which both Chris and I got as well - boo!). I promised her that we would stay and have lunch with her on Friday and we did!
Then we hung around and waited until Dylan's lunch time and then had lunch with him. I know that {very} soon he won't want me around like this so I am relishing every moment I can.
And Ry obviously got my "pone" (phone) at some point.
Payton had her friend over for a play date. They spent all day at school and then came home and played "school" again. Ha!
I got to snuggle up with this girl for family movie night. It was the best.
I loves weeks like this, us just doing regular life!

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