Friday, May 16, 2014


I'm pretty sure that I've lived in the South for a little bit too long . . . Seeing lawn mowers drive down the road don't seem to shock me anymore.
Tuesday, Ry and I got to go have lunch with Dylan for his 4th Grade End of the Year Picnic.
His request? Pizza from Costco. No joke.
Can you tell it was pretty hot outside?
We even got to drive with the sunroof open!
91°. That makes this California girl VERY happy.
While waiting to pick up Chris from work we checked out a new trail behind his office building.
Sweet boy grabbed my hand and we walked almost the whole way like this.
Yes my heart melted a bit.
God's creation is so very beautiful and perfect. Even when we call some of them "weeds".
He falls asleep in the funniest positions.
He's also talking in full sentences. He saw something of his and said, "Mine, I hab it pleeeeeease?". It was so cute!
Payton had "dress up like a pirate" day at school.
How does your 9-1/2 year old sit in the car?
Yes, this is EVERYDAY life for us . . . and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Did I mention that we only have 2-1/2 more days of school? Yippee!

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