Friday, December 5, 2014

Week in Review

It's going to be a great week when you wake up to this:
We started the Advent Calendar on Monday. {These were $.99 at Aldi's and each window has a piece of chocolate.} Growing up I LOVED popping open the window of the one my mom hung on the fridge {only it didn't have chocolate, but a Christmas picture}.
This {naked} boy was attacking me, squeezing me tight and giggling while doing so.
While I emptied the car from running errands one day, Ry ran up to his room and brought down ALL his blankets/pillows and snuggled up on the couch.
Chris and I've been working on a puzzle for a couple of days. The kids were watching a Charlie Brown Christmas and we got a lot completed.
We finished decorating our tree.
I enjoyed my last Heirloom Tomato. It was a green one I had let ripen on the counter.
I found Ry watching tv like this.
Doing his favorite thing, falling asleep snuggled up next to daddy.
Requesting his favorite breakfast right now:

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I think I love this dinner more and more each time I eat it. Black beans and brown rice sprinkled with a bit of cheese and the topped with salsa. So good.
We finished the puzzle {photo credit: Dylan}.
We went back to the gym on Friday. He goes full blast the entire time which is awesome.
Payton came home from school with her first chapter book for reading homework. She was pretty stoked and so was I.
Payton was sent to her room for a time out . . . I went in to find this a few minutes later.

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