So despite of waking up with sore throats (for me and Chris), then checking the weather and seeing this:
We still got up and went to church. We had been trying a new church in Canton (this was our 3rd week going) and had signed up for the discover class to find out more about the church. It is a small church, but the kids loved going and we felt welcomed the first day there. The pastor is passionate and that is infectious. Worship has been great each time. Simple. Rustic. Heart felt. Pastor Will is a musician and has played "the box" and sang backup the last two times we were there.
Anyway. Worship starts and Pastor Will is playing the guitar and singing, there is a guy on a small drum set and a girl singing. The girl started singing and W.O.W. she was amazing. Both Chris and I looked at each other dumbfounded by what a great voice she had. Worship was wonderful and the sermon was awesome (he is teaching in Acts). I was inspired to do what God has called me to do (still working through what that is exactly) and making sure I am doing my best at it.
Afterwards we stayed for the discover class. It was just Chris and I, Pastor Will and his wife. We had a great time learning about the church and getting to know them. We commented on the girl singing and guess was
Francesca Battistelli! {Disclosure - we don't have tv so we don't know what people look like.} She is Chris' favorite female Christian artist. They are related to her and she comes to sing every once in awhile. That was pretty cool to hear her in a small venue, just worshipping.
After that, Pastor Will was showing Dylan some chords on the guitar and drawing a diagram of his finger placement.
When we left the church this poor bird was laying on the sidewalk - on his back - dead - or so we thought. We realized that he was breathing so I picked him up and stuck him in the sun to maybe "defrost" him (see weather temperature above). He still wasn't moving and I picked him up again and realized that one of his legs weren't working right so we brought him home with us. {We think he must have flown into the building/window and got stunned.} He started to perk up and move around a little bit. Here he is ruffling his feathers:
Isn't his coloring beautiful? See the yellow tips on his tail and the red tips on his wings? He sat in my hand the whole way home. Even went to sleep for a little bit.
We got home, put him in a box with a lid open half way, gave him some birdseed and set him in the sun to warm up. Here he is sleeping:
A couple of hours later he flew away... yeah!
Dylan went outside to play with the neighbors and this is what he looked like when he came in:
Here, maybe an ear shot will help.
Poor kid was a frozen popsicle - but had a blast playing!
Dylan had gone down to the basement and got my 20+ year old guitar (yes, with 2 broken strings) and this is how I found him right before bedtime:
He was having a blast. Notice his ears are still red???
We could have stayed in bed all day, but we are VERY glad that we didn't. It was a very fun Sunday.