They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. I must not be normal then. It is a constant effort on my part to keep my new "habits" up. I have decided that for me (at this point in my life), I need to be more relaxed with my resolutions. If I was going to say, "Everyday I am going to get up at 5am to read my Bible." I would just be setting myself up for failure.
So to update you on my 2012 New Years Resolution... I have made it through the month of January! Did I read everyday? No. Did I read the same time everyday? No. Sometimes it worked for me to read right after breakfast, and sometimes it was in the afternoon, and even right before bed.
It's been interesting to read it in chronological order. I started in Genesis for just a few chapters, then jumped to and read all of Job. Then it was back where I left off in Genesis and finished it up, followed by starting Exodus.
It is also fun when you are re-reading something and make those "a-ha" connections. I realized (this time) that Jacob tricked his father (Isaac) into blessing him as the oldest son (even though he was the youngest) and then when Jacob (who's name changed to Israel) was old and blessing his grandsons, Manasseh & Ephriam, he intentionally blessed the youngest with what customarily should have been the firstborn's blessing. (How's that for a run-on sentence?) Interesting, right?
If you want to jump in and join me reading in chronological order click {here}.
How are you doing with YOUR New Year's Resolutions?