All ready for church this morning!

We went to the lake with our church family this evening. There was always someone willing to hold Rylan. Here is a picture of Kimberly and Ry.

Chris...complaining that I have the camera out - again.

Derek and Chris being . . . . well, Derek and Chris!

Carrie and I

Dinner time! They had catered Shane's Rib Shack for all of us.

Me and P Girls!

Kaila's turn with Ry Guy.

Derek is a photographer and snapped this picture . . . Passed out. Isn't he sweet?
Pastor Will

Sweet Sawyer giving kisses to Rylan. (Don't you just LOVE his curls???)

Water baptism time. So neat to see friends make a public proclamation of their faith in Christ Jesus!

Andrea getting baptized (or "bap-a-tized" as Payton says it).

The moon was pretty tonight.

Payton & Grayson walking together. Don't ask Payton about Grayson or she will get embarrassed. Hum - first crush? Too cute!