Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Randoms Shots & Biggest Loser

Sweet Little Man, climbing in my bed to say good morning.

Payton rockin' Sasha's sunglasses.

Seeing a deer while out driving.  So pretty.

Baby Boy obsessed with his fingers.

But that is enough about us and our day.

I wanted to share about my friend Jamie - who happens to also be my pastor's wife. She is an amazing lady who is always happy and smiling.  Joy just seems to pour out from her.  In fact if I had ONE word to describe her, that would be it...JOYFUL.  

She is auditioning for season 14 of the Biggest Loser and she would absolutely bring something to the show that has not been done before.  Curious as to what that is????  Well then watch this video:
I shared the link on Facebook and here are some of what my friends are saying!
See?  I told you she is amazing!  So would you please share the video with your friends?  Her goal was 5,000 views by Friday and already they have 9,000+!  Hopefully it will get the attention of the Biggest Loser and we will be able to watch her on season 14!

Oh and if you want to find out more about her, you can visit her blog, Holy Rollin'.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love reading and responding to each one!