Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Yesterday afternoon I got a call from the school nurse saying that Payton had an accident on the seesaw and had a bump on her forehead.  The nurse gave her ice and checked her over, and she didn't show any signs of other injury other than the bump.  I LOVE my sweet Payton girl, but she can be a little bit of a drama momma when she is hurt {not sure WHERE she got that from - wink!} so I didn't think that much of it...until I picked her up from school...
Holy moly was the bump huge!  We were jokingly calling her a unicorn, hoping to make light of how bad it was.
I guess she was on the seesaw with her friend and went to wipe hair out of her face.  Her friend hit the ground and Payton flew up off the seesaw and landed on her head on top of the seesaw!
Since Chris was gone overnight for a work trip, I had Payton sleep in my bed and I woke her up every hour and a half to check on her.  In the morning, she seemed okay, besides having a headache {naturally!}, so I gave her medicine and sent her off to school.  A few hours later I got a call from the nurse that Payton was complaining about being dizzy - I called Chris and we decided that I should take her to the ER.
They took her to do a CAT scan.
After the scan they brought her a warm blanket.
My momma {who was there with me} and I commented on how lucky she was to get that blanket, because warm blankets were the best.... so the nurse brought us back our own!
Payton's CAT came back clear and she has a concussion.  She is out of PE and taekwondo for at least 2 weeks.  Poor girl!
Oh and funny enough, I knew Payton's nurse!  She lived in our old neighborhood.  Isn't the world small?  She brought Payton a popsicle, animal crackers, and stickers as she was doing the last checks to have her released.

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