Nothing exciting happened this week because we are still recovering from being sick. Payton didn't really get sick {lucky girl} and Dylan seemed to beat it pretty quickly. Chris, Rylan and I???? Notsomuch. We did a LOT of laying around trying to get better.
Monday Dylan got some homework help from his buddy.
Tuesday morning I FINALLY ventured off the couch and headed to the market with this little man for some much needed groceries.
But by the afternoon, he wasn't doing well.
We ended up at the doctors where he tested negative for flu and we just get to wait it out! But he drew this cute little version of himself on the exam table while we waited.
Wednesday Payton wore the pretty necklace Auntie D gave to her.
And the kids had dental checkups. Ry was holding SO VERY still and then gave us a thumbs up.
I still wasn't feeling well {getting worn out very quickly} and ended up at the walk in and got all these medicines + a shot in the keister. Yup. I'm sick.
The rest of the day was spent like this.
Thursday was spent like this.
I didn't take any other pictures the rest of the week, because we were laying around and hopefully getting well once and for all!