Sunday we had a lazy morning hanging out in our bed.

P-Girl wanted to help daddy mow the lawn.
My Uncle Dennis and Aunt Barbara were in town and came down to see us for a bit.
It was so great to hug on them!
A new carniceria just opened by our house and holy was awesome.
And they have REAL Coca-Cola from Mexico. It's the best.
That night we drove around looking at Christmas lights. This house was our favorite.
Monday we did some Christmas crafts {or craps as Rylan calls them. hee hee!}.
Tuesday I had to document {and rub in} the fact that we were warmer than my family in California and Colorado! {It may not happen again for a looooong time!}
Nuggle time with Ry Guy.
We FaceTimed with Payton and Daddy who were just upstairs. Ry thought it was hilarious!
I absolutely love the "On This Day" feature on FaceBook, because I get reminded of moments like this. Eek! He was so little!
Payton created a poster for a tv show "Pengi and the Fish Fishy".
I loved that on the back she had the rating, running time, rating and reviews!
Ry has a new guy he is drawing. He said it's a Minion.
The littles created a town with blocks and I was honored to find out they named it "Rebecca Town".
I got the last See's candy...and no, I didn't share. {wink}
Saturday the kids friends came over. They danced.
And they made a birthday cake for me for tomorrow!
I love Christmas break. We had such a good week!
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