Dylan was invited to a party at 6:30 tonight down by Chris' work.
Chris had a sales meeting until 4:30 (at least).
So instead of him heading home to turn around to go back the same direction, we decided to drop daddy off at work, and have a fun day out and about - just the kids and me.
(We share a car and this is one of those few (very few) times a year that it is a hassle having only one vehicle. And I don't even want to call it a hassle because I would NOT want 2 car payments!)
So I packed up a lunch and had a few ideas of what we could do.
After dropping daddy off at work, and taking the kids in to meet his co-workers and seeing his office, we headed to the park. It was a really nice park, with a few different sections of playground stuff.
This was Rylan's first time to a playground to actually play.
He wasn't so sure about the things that moved.

And he REFUSED to get into the swing.
But he had a great time walking around acting like he was big stuff.

There was lots to explore there.

And he had a great time.

When the kids got bored after a few hours, we headed to the mall parking lot and had a picnic in the back of the van.

Then went and walked the mall for a few hours.
Which honestly was a GREAT time.
I let the kids look in each store that they wanted.
We talked about each being patient with the other while we went into American Girl and then Game Stop.
I had told them up front that we weren't going to buy anything there and when they asked for something (which I knew they would), I told them to put it on their wish list for their birthday.
They were happy with that answer.

I did end up buying them each $2 flip flops from Children's Place and then these cool shades for Dylan for 2 bucks there as well!

Did I mention that Rylan slept almost the WHOLE time we were there???
It was wonderful!
Towards the end of the mall time, they were getting a bit antsy, so I told them that I had a surprise for them.
We piled in the car and headed to Chik-fil-A for kiddie cones and to play in the play area.
Rylan gladly went in and checked it out.

And watched all the kids come down the slide.

And them climbed up inside all by himself.

We then headed to McDonald's to get Dylan dinner so he wouldn't be starving at the party.
(I had totally forgot about packing dinner and also didn't pack enough food for my hungry brood.)

We picked up daddy from work, dropped Dylan off at the party (it was at a trampoline place), then headed to meet our friends, the Tappan's, for dinner.
We went to Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint.
It's a cool set up of customizable personal pizzas, salads, paninis, and sandwiches.
It reminded me of an italian version of Chipotle.
(And of course I forgot to take pictures. Ugh!)
Our time with them was great, and way too short. Before I knew it Chris was saying we had to leave to pick up Dylan.
So back to get Dylan and head home!
The kids were POOPED but it was a fun, jam packed day, and a great way to spend our first official full day of summer!