Friday morning we headed down to see Papa & Sasha's for the weekend.
We met them for lunch at Brooklyn Joe's (our favorite place to eat there) and after Dylan got a much needed hair cut at the barber shop next door.
So handsome!
We did some shopping at the Outlets in Woodstock and the kids had some fun!
There's a Ghirardelli there so of course we stopped for a yummy hot fudge sunday.
Have I mentioned that Rylan now walks down stairs without holding onto anything?
Saturday morning Payton and I woke up early and went (in our jammies) to meet her sweet teachers from Pre-Kindergarten for breakfast at Chick-fil-A. Mrs. Dowd & Mrs. Johnson are AMAZING!
We love these ladies SO much and were so glad that we got to hug them.
When we got back home we all did a lot of this . . .
(Yes, that is Chris laying on top of Dylan! Dylan hopped into daddy's spot when he got up for a minute and wouldn't get up, so daddy just laid down on top of him!)
Hanging out with my girl (and that's Ry's arm in the picture).
Dylan's buddy Brent got to come over and play for a bit.
Sunday morning we went to visit our old church, Oak Leaf. We got to see and hug some friends and hear a great message from Pastor Will. It's great to see the church growing!
After we went to lunch with the Sampsell's.

They are amazing friends. The kind that even though time has passed, we can pick up right where we left off.
The kids were so good while we were at lunch. When looking at my phone, I figured out why . . .
Crazy kids!
Back in the car, headed back to Tennessee. Want to know how to keep an almost 2 year old (boo hoo!) happy in a long car ride?
Give him a blue ring pop of course!
And it is a pretty drive too!