Friday, August 31, 2018

August 2018 Photo Dump

I'm so thankful for Instagram's archives.  Which is where I got these pictures.  I don't know the exact date, but I know I took them in August.
There are no words for this septic service truck "we deliver milk on the weekends".  Bleh!
We had a tree fall 
and the kids helped up pick up the branches after Chris cut it up in pieces.
My life... in the car rider line.
Heading to pick up Dylan from a party, we drove up on a cow standing in the road.  His gate had blown open and we spent about 20 minutes trying to get him back in.
Play ground time with little man.

What I Ate {August 2018}

1 - Black Eyed Peas + Cornbread

3 - Broccoli & Apple Salad with Walnuts

4 - Greek Salad

5 - Mississippi Roast + Bread + Veggies

6 - Stan's Meatloaf + Black Eyed Peas + Beets

Chicken Pot Pie

BLT Sandwich + BBQ Potato Chips

Baked Potato with Chili, Cheese & Sour Cream + Pear Salad

10 - Hardee's Side Salad + Double Hamburger

11 - Grilled Chicken + Rice Pilaf

12 - Orange Chicken + Stir Fry Veggies + Lo Mein
13 - Breakfast Burrito {Bowl}

14 - Taco {Salad} Tuesday

15 - Chicken Pesto Pasta
Caesar Salad + Jalapeño Poppers + Steak + Roasted Asparagus

Blueberry Crumb Muffins

Greek Chicken + Pitas + Greek Salad + Yellow Rice + Tzatziki dip

Teriyaki Bowls

Chicken Taco

Lasagna Soup + Garlic Bread


Sunday Chicken + Garden Salad + Broccoli Slaw

Beand & Rice Bowls

Carne Asada Tacos

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Week #34 {2018}

Sunday snuggle time.
Monday I found Bombi just snuggled up in the crate...with the door wide open.
Rylan brought home his "work on writing" assignment where his teacher gives them time to write about anything.  Today he wrote about Bombi.
"I Love My dog.  My dog is nis (nice).  He is ceot (cute). He is brown.  My dog is a Little bit fiste (feisty).  in dog yens (years) he is ten.  My dog Has brown Eays (eyes).  I like My dog.  hes name is Bobe (Bombi)."
Isn't it adorable?!?!
Tuesday this feisty dog was sleeping but keeping an eye on his bone.
And they he was protecting Dylan from all the bad guys.
Wednesday morning and Ry is my last drop off.  I looked back and saw him tangled up in his bit-bit {his special blanket}.  I love that even though he's growing up, there are still parts that are my baby boy.
Have I mentioned that Bombi is NOT allowed to be on the couch?  Yet here he is!
Saturday and still loving his rope!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Week #33 {2018}

Thursday Bombi made himself comfortable.
Friday baby girl had her first dance at school.
She was so excited.
Have I vented about how bummed I am about losing 4 months worth of pictures...  {whaaaahhhh!}

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Week #32 {2018}

Sunday the Littles went to their cousins house and they went to the playground.
Love my kiddos!
Wednesday Bombi loves his rope.
Friday the littles had TKD testing!