Dylan's birthday is TOMORROW, but since we are leaving out of town we are celebrating tonight! We piled in the car,
And drove straight into a storm {remnants of Hurricane Harvey}.

But it was worth it to get here.
We HAD to get the Cotton Candy Bacon of course.
And we were surprised that Payton and Rylan liked everything that we ordered.
We knew Dylan would love the steak {as you can see!}.
And then we had their Banana Bread for dessert.
Happy birthday son!
When we walked out of the restaurant the tornado sirens were going off. It's funny, because 6 years ago, I would have been camped out in the bathroom waiting until all was clear. But we just checked online to see where the storm was going (just north of us) and went on our way.
Rylan feel asleep quickly in the car - a good food coma will do that to you.
THIRTEEN tomorrow... and he's the same height as me.
I love you buddy. Thanks for bringing so much laughter into our family. You truly are a rad kid. I am excited to see the young man that God is growing you up to be.