Sunday, May 27, 2012

One Year Ago Today

We made it to Georgia after driving cross country for 5 days. 

We had left behind everything that we had ever known in California with the hopes that we were following the Lord's leading.  Praying that this is where he wanted us to be.

We drove up as a family of four, to a new place, where we knew only Chris' parents, Chris' brother and his family and our friends, the Tappan's.  We were both excited and nervous, but looking forward to what God had for us here.

Fast forward to today - We are now a family of five, things are becoming more familiar, we have an awesome church family and wonderful friends. 

The road hasn't always been easy (I miss my family a lot), but the Lord has always been faithful.  I look back and see all of His blessings... and see that this is where we are supposed to be.

Jeremiah 17:7 - "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord."  May we keep trusting in the Lord for everything!


  1. I had to comment because this one made me cry. A year. I know you miss your family but your friends miss you too. There is a hole in our hearts that will always remain but we too know God has you right where He wants you and trust Him in His plan! Love you guys!

    1. We miss you too! Hopefully we will get to see you when we are in CA!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love reading and responding to each one!