Friday, May 31, 2019

What I Ate {May 2019}

3 - Alex's Tacos & Wings Carne Asada Tacos
 5 - Taco Salad
 8 - BLT Wraps  + Salad with Ranch Dressing
 10 - Italian Salad
 12 - Chinese Chicken Salad + Garlic Bread + Pavlova
 14 - Fajita Bowl
 15 - The Dotted Lime's Sweet Chicken Wrap + Colorado Chili
 16 - Curried Chicken Salad
 17 - Kung Pao Chicken
 20 - Orange Chicken + Stir Fry Veggies + Cauliflower Rice
 23 - French Onion Soup + Salad
 26 - Hot Dogs + Jalapeño Poppers + Spinach & Strawberry Salad with Poppyseed Dressing
 27 - Hamburger Protein Style
 30 - Grilled Veggies from Amish Town
 31 - Digiorno Pepperoni Pizza

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Week #21 {2019} Summer Time

Sunday we went to my sister's house to celebrate Penelope's birthday!  Happy Birthday Penel!
My niece, Priscilla, sent me this picture that she took with Dylan at school.
Monday morning brought us some fog,
which cleared quickly to give us a beautiful day.
Tuesday was the last day of school for the Littles.  {Dylan has been out of school for a week already.} Click {here} to see their first day of school pics!
Wednesday and Bombi is in full summer mode already. Look at how his paws are all wrapped up.
Summer means snakes around here. Can you see this one?  Don't worry, it was a tiny, harmless one.
Summer also means running through the sprinklers,
 and impromtu picnics.
Summers are also for snuggling on Thursday mornings...because we can.
And water balloon fights.
Friday we loaded up the car...
and headed to Cummins Falls.
Saturday Bombi was pooped out from hiking the falls.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cummins Falls

We headed out to Cummins Falls for the first time.
 There was a short walk until we were able to see the falls.
 Then we found out that it was a pretty far walk/hike away from the falls,
 and then back up through the river.
 We went over rocks,
 and crossed the river multiple times. {Thanks to Chris for carrying Rylan over it! Can you see them?}
 But it was WELL worth the hike.
The falls were beautiful. 
 And even though it seemed crowded to us, we heard that it was actually really empty compared to how many people there are normally.
Once we were done, we had to hike all the way back and the kids were still all smiles.
It was a super fun family day and we can't wait to go back!