Sunsets. Who knew they could be so spectacular ALL THE TIME!?!?
Monday Payton and Rylan set up a "li-berry" {library} for us to check out books. The library clerk was pretty cute.
That afternoon we had a deer roaming around in our yard for almost an hour. He saw us looking at him but didn't seem to be spooked.
They are such beautiful creatures.
I took little man for a haircut. He doesn't mind going because they give him a sucker afterwards.
That evening, my momma had a girls night where got together for dinner and a cute Hallmark Movie (Holly Lodge). Payton and Auntie J had a pillow fight too.
Bundled up ready for the movie to start!

Such a fun night!

I hope it's a yearly tradition from now on.
Tuesday ANOTHER tree fell. Geesh! We aren't going to have any trees left on our property!
I took the kids to the gun shop.
They loved the bear that was in there.
Thor came over and hung out for a bit. Rylan took the opportunity to get dressed in all of his things {jacket, scarf, glasses and hat}.
Bombi REALLY REALLY wanted up in bed with Chris. Look at those sad puppy dog eyes!
This guy got the coveted spot though.
Wednesday, another morning with my lap dog.
He's up on the couch every chance he gets.
Ry made this creation. "They're playing chop-suey!"
Thursday Thanksgiving morning, we had a deer walking across the front yard. SOOOO pretty.
Ry finished reading the Hardy Boys and loved it. He wants the other books now too!
Saturday we got our Christmas tree!
Penelope sure knows how to tease and irritate Chris. Hee hee hee!