We celebrated Valentine's Day as a family.

Dylan reading a book to Rylan.

I was sitting on the floor watching a movie and both the boys came and sat in my lap. {melt}

Dressed for church!

I said to Chris (in front of Payton), "She (Payton) really is cute huh?" Payton piped up, "Yes, I'm adorbs!". Where does she come up with this stuff?
It finally warmed up enough to wear flip flops to get the kids from the bus (then it cooled right back down - boo!).

Our landlord let us start moving things into the garage before our lease began.

The house is the next city over so we just filled up the van and dropped off a load whenever we could.
This is the same van that Chris and I drive (we share one car). I thought the bumper sticker was perfect for us... Maybe we will get one for our van!

We found out about The Burger Shack. Supposedly the hamburgers tasted just like In-N-Out. And guess what?!?!?! It DID! Holey moley it was SO GOOD! It was awesome to have a taste (literally) of home.

Here's our new (to us) rent home!
We did our walk thru a week before our lease began and our landlord said we could move in that night if we wanted to. So we started cleaning and unpacking stuff into the house.
The kids started playing and making it "home".

Ry now "hides" by covering his eyes when he gets into trouble. {I love it! So cute!}

Monday the movers came and moved the furniture.
And Monday night we spent our first night there! The kids loved the jacuzzi bath.

This is in my laundry room and I have NO idea what to do with it. Any ideas?

Rylan has been off his schedule with this move . . . Poor baby!
Yes, that is vomit. He threw a tantrum while I was driving and gagged himself to MAKE himself puke. Fun times.

"His mercies are new every morning . . ." I guess mine should be too.
Isn't our Creator just amazing?

Finally having our first home cooked meal at the house!

Rylan brought these to me. I guess he wants a smoothie????

Sweet Payton had a hard day today. It was her teacher's last day in her class. Payton's regular teacher, who was already out on maternity leave by the time Payton started school here, comes back Monday. Her teacher made them these adorable Lego heart necklaces for them to remember her by.

I love my crazy kids!

I cannot believe March starts tomorrow. February just flew by!