Sunday - Watching our old church online while Bombi was looking out the window.
Ry pulled out all of his Skylanders and organized them.
After getting ready for bed, I realized that both Ry and I were wearing Christmas jammies. Ha!
Monday - We had Mr. Carl over to fix the piping under our sink. It's great having a friend who's a plumber!
Tuesday - Payton made cherry cupcakes.
And the kids played out in the pond (see them way in the back?).
Bombi is the sweetest boy. I think he is enjoying the kids being home.
Wednesday - See what I mean?

He's sleeping and learning new tricks.
Thursday - Was a beautiful day and the kids are starting to get stir crazy. We played Harry Potter Labyrinth outside, and Payton painted her nails.
The kids played with their water shooters.
And had snack time outside too.
Dylan edged the fence line for us.
Friday - I got some hammock time and enjoyed the 82 degree weather.