Friday, July 26, 2013

Another Well Check & A Busy Day

At Payton's appointment yesterday, the Dr. reminded me that Rylan should have had a well check at 14 months.
So I made an appointment and returned first thing this morning!

It was nice going to the doctors when he is healthy!
Here's his stats:
21 lbs 11 oz
31.25" long
He's gained 1 lb 1 oz and grew 2" since April!
He is 10% for his weight and 100% for his head circumference!
"It looks like a watermelon on a toothpick!" (Name that movie!)

After his appointment I went to a meeting . . .  looks like I got a part time job being a virtual assistant!
After that we took the kids to the pool.

Then in the evening drove to a sparing class at our karate's other location.
Here's Dylan sparring with Mr. Parman Sr.

And he's that blur on the right executing a round house kick.

Payton LOVES her baby brother!

So funny story.
Friday nights are usually Family Movie Night.
We watch a kids movie and eat homemade popcorn.  Yum!
Since we were out late and were not going to have FMN we decided to get ice cream on our way home.  Me, trying to go the cheap way, suggested cones from Burger King.  They are only $.50 right now.  Mind you, we DO NOT like Burger King.  The food is just not good {in our opinion}.
The soft serve was gross {shocker} and too soft.  We could have drank it with a straw.  So half way through eating them, Chris told us to stop, we were going somewhere else to get different cones.  We drove to Chick-fil-A and got MORE cones!
Chick-fil-A's were perfect.
We spent $2 for the cones at Burger King and $3.60 for the cones at Chick-fil-A (did you know you can buy kiddie cones there?).  So the moral to the story is, cheaper isn't always better.  Plus Chick-fil-A wasn't that much more!
The kids thought it was SO cool that we were getting MORE cones.  We made a great memory tonight!

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