{Why "What I Ate..."}

There are many wonderful bloggers out there that post there weekly meal plans.  I am all for planning your meals and I often go through those posts to get ideas for my week.  But in my life, my plans don't always go according to {uh} plan!  There are nights when:
~ we decide to eat out
~ we get invited to a friends house for dinner
~ we have way too many leftovers that need to be eaten
~ we don't feel like eating what is on the "plan"
~ I don't feel like cooking

So each Saturday I post pictures of the dinners that I ate during the week.  Sometimes it will be lunch if that is my big meal for the day.  Sometimes I will add a link to the recipe if I have one.  Sometimes (a lot of the time) it will be taken with my camera phone so it won't be a great picture.  And sometimes I forget to take a picture and will have only 5-6 days captured.

It is nice for me to go back and look for things I haven't made in awhile and also see when I have been eating really bad and need to step up my healthy game.

Got it?  Good? Any questions? 

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