Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Sillies

I straightened my hair today and then TRIED to get a picture of it.  Here's the best one I got.  =)

Payton had pictures today at soccer.
Can you say "ca-ching, ca-ching"?
I took one with my camera instead.

Daddy was holding an open house so we stayed home and baked cookies!

I have really good helpers.  Bag openers, pourers.

And count-ers and figuring out measuring cups/spoons.
Shhh, don't tell him it's a math lesson too!

Oh - what kind of cookies did we make?
Chocolate chip cookies of course!

Then Dylan had a suggestion to add in marshmallows (or "mushmellows" as Payton calls them).
Looks good, right?

Half-way through baking . . .

Hum, not so pretty.

But once they cooled they were yummy.  They had a crunch to it, where the "mushmellows" were.

Chris and his dad carried up our big screen from the basement to Dylan's room today.
Yes, this is every eight year old's dream . . .

Lego Batman on the big screen.

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