Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of Pre-Kinder

Well, I made it without shedding a tear IN FRONT of Payton.  I waited until we were pulling out of the parking lot to boo hoo.  I am going to miss having my girl around all day long, but she is MORE than ready for school and has been looking forward to this day for years (quite literally).
Here are some shots from today.
Rise and shine - time to take the last link off your daisy chain!  (Love the bed head?)

Checking in the mirror to see how she looks.

All ready!
Isn't this backpack HUGE on her?

Then she had to give her favorite pose.  Papa calls it her "Paris Hilton" pose.  =)

She is SO excited!

On our way!

Waving bye as she walks to the door.  She's all grown up!

{Insert mom's tears.}

Rylan and I went with Chris to do some work today then headed back to pick her up.
Waiting in the carpool line.

Mrs. Dowd (her assistant teacher) walking her to the car.
Looks like she had a fun day!
She said that "Nap was boring." but other than that she had a great day.  She played on the swings and got to play in the pretend kitchen.  She is looking forward to going back tomorrow!


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